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Mental Health- A Taboo?

Adhiraj Singh

Mental Health is one of the most important and therefore one of the most talked-about things this year. All the people near and dear to you have been affected by the Pandemic in some way or another. This takes a toll on a person’s mental health which is not visible physically. Therefore, I don’t get why people still consider Mental Health to be a Taboo.

In recent years the number of people who are taking their life from attempting suicides is increasing at an alarming rate which people do not understand is due to negative changes in a person's mental health. According to me, the people who have transitioned from the 20th to the 21st century, who are usually parents or elders of the family, do not understand the issues that the younger generation probably understands more. The cultural gap is quite evident.

In the 20th century, there was no such thing as Social Media which according to me plays a big role in affecting a person’s mental health. Even the level of competition between people has drastically increased with the transition of the centuries to make it a really toxic environment for everyone who is a part of it. People nowadays are not able to cope up with the academic pressure or work pressure at school or their respective institution where they spend most of their time, and hence the peer pressure causes them to feel dejected or left out at times.

Mental Health according to me is way more important than a person’s physical health because the mind is that to your body, what an operating system is to a computer. They both are the most important part of their respective systems coordinating and controlling all the functions of the organism.

The only solution I see to this prevailing problem is to spread awareness. The people who do not know about the importance of mental health are the people who consider it a taboo. Through this awareness being spread, people will also be able to break the myths like if you go for therapy you are a mad person etc.

We all, as a community need to understand the importance of mental health rather than ignoring it. This year, more than ever as we all have gone through something we did not except and it has drastically changed our lives. Everyone is fighting a war of their own so rather than adding to their problems I think we all can give them hope to live.

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